Thursday 6 February 2014

The Most Durable and Reliable car in India

We recently started a quest in finding the most durable and reliable car in India. Reliability , durability and low maintenance costs are some important factors to think of while choosing a car. The more durable the car is more resale value you get in the used car market.
A 2012 model Santro

Well our top contenders where Hyundai Santro, Skoda Rapid and Marthi 800. And our ultimate winner is Hyundai Santro. The reason is that we see Santro's manufactured in 1998 almost 15 years old running through our streets without a fuss while we hardly see any Swifts more older than 5 years. Maruthi 800 is also a long termer but has high maintenance charges and Skoda Rapid well it is only less than a decade old.

Yes Indeed Hyundai Santro is the most durable car in the Indian car market.
You get up to 1.2 lakhs for a Santro that has run 1 lakh kilometres in the used car market. If you have doubt check this page. Santro has won the JD pacific award for the most reliable car in India in 2005. Santro was the first car from Hyundai to the Indian market and it was a great success. Almost 2 million Santro' s have been sold and most of them are still running quite well.

So if you want a car with high resale value and if you are looking for a long term car keep this in mind. Most Durable car in India is Santro.

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